Sunday, June 27, 2004


Neighbor finally fixed the fence, that the maple tree knocked down. I had to prompt him by making my own half-assed repairs. I really suck at being handy.

Got back from Sacramento today. We flew down on Thursday for a family get-together, mostly just a fish fry. Saw almost all the surviving brothers and sisters. In general a reasonably depressing affair. Usually the wake is for the survivors to reaffirm life and to bond a little closer knowing that their community is one smaller, to pay respect for the departed, and to remember the departed fondly or otherwise. We did some of that, but we also got to take stock and call roll of the survivors, and I am sad to report that some of the family is not faring at all well. Also our daughter (dawter or dottir) for better or worse grew up little this weekend too. It was a little like finding out about the easter bunny or santa claus, prolly necessary, but something you'd wait to do if at all possible.

The Oregon coast is nice. Lots of sandy beaches and route 101 is chock full o'Paul Bunyans.

We had no pets at week start and remain at zero.


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