I figured it out!
I saw an article on the USAToday site where the author claims that Thompson planned his suicide. This makes sense to me. I think HST thinks that he is Ernest Hemmingway. HST wrote of Hemmingway’s suicide with understanding and appreciation. In fact, looking at HST’s career, one can see the parallels. The trips through South America, the fearless way he went about gathering data for his writings, and the unconventional lifestyle all add up to a personality that is living in the fantasy that he is Ernest Hemmingway. Now that HST finds himself in a similar place…
Hemmingway is not a bad model. He was truly great American author. He was a real man’s man. I understand the affinity. That said, I still think killing oneself is a coward’s way out. I want to be kept alive as long as possible. Hook me up to any and every machine. If I do pass, freeze my ass and look for the cure to what took me out. I would love to be around 500 years from now.
However, if I am brought back things may have turned brown for human society. I may not like it. So, you had better pack a .45 and 1 bullet in case I need to take myself out when I get there.
Hemmingway is not a bad model. He was truly great American author. He was a real man’s man. I understand the affinity. That said, I still think killing oneself is a coward’s way out. I want to be kept alive as long as possible. Hook me up to any and every machine. If I do pass, freeze my ass and look for the cure to what took me out. I would love to be around 500 years from now.
However, if I am brought back things may have turned brown for human society. I may not like it. So, you had better pack a .45 and 1 bullet in case I need to take myself out when I get there.
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