Thursday, November 11, 2004

Need a product idea

I need a product idea. I need something that will be fun or interesting to develop and will make money. Also I would like it if the product caused some kind of harm to the users. I really like the tobacco product model. It would be really cool if I could make something that appealed to younger people as well.

I’m thinking it should be a consumable good. It should be something that people always need to replace. It could be a food product, a kind of soda or maybe tea or it could be a snack like food. Think Hostess. It could be a body care product, oil or a lotion or shampoo or maybe some kind toothpaste that creates tooth decay. But most importantly something that people buy over and over again.

I think the product needs a catchy name. Ideally, the name should eventually become associated with the category of product that it is, like Styrofoam. The name needs to sound fun and be easy to spell as my target audience is not smart and I need them to be able to put it on a grocery list. The name should also seem smart or funny at first but later be trite and slightly irritating. People need to be able to want the name.

I also need to avoid the product being a controlled substance. This is the hardest requirement. I want the product to be addictive, but I don’t want any controlled substance in my product. The product can have no tobacco, no caffeine, and no alcohol. The product needs to be legally addictive. Preferably, it is emotionally addictive but not physically addictive.

The product should seem dangerous. This will attract the youth as the product will seem like a way to rebel. Kids love to challenge authority. The product should reflect an illegal substance but be dangerous to the health of the users in legal ways. Danger and illegality warns children away from the product like sugar keeps ants from a picnic.

I think the product is “Crack Snacky’s”. I could make it up of pure sugar and shape them like crack paraphernalia: pipes, matches, lighters, guns, little bags of powder, and crack rocks. I could avoid any kind of artificial coloring or preservatives and claim it is all natural. This gets the product in every supermarket. If I can addict the children that will stay addicted as adults, then I can start to “jack-up” the price. That’s the ticket!


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