Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Goodbye Ron

Ronald Reagan finally left us, after years of being decimated by Alzheimers.

I, of course, deeply mourn the passing of the president for whom I cast my first actual vote. I was taken aback by a comment made by an friend on Saturday. When we saw that Reagan had died, my friend actually celebrated.

This behavior according to another friend of mine, points out a difference between liberal and conservative idealism. I would never celebrate the death of even the most heinous liberal party boss. In fact, I'm certain that hanging out with Bill Clinton, would be a pretty good time. But to actually wish death on a person, because you disagree with their ideas... Somehow, you are not allowed to disagree with these people. They are not interested in an exchange of ideas, because if you disagree, you must die. They cannot seem to understand that you can disagree with an idea and still like the person or have other ideas where you do agree. I don't get it.

Thank you Ronald Reagan. Rest in peace.


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