Friday, October 21, 2005

Having a purpose in life

I was having a conversation in a bar the other day. It was kind of a typical bar conversation for me. The person I was speaking to was talking to me about his faith and we were conversing in general about god and life and religion. Then he asked me what he thought was a profound question: “What is your purpose in this life?”

What is my purpose in life? Why do I have to have a purpose? Am I truly the only person who sometimes does things ’just because’? I choose to live my life from moment to moment.

I didn’t want to insult the guy. He seemed like a nice guy so I came up with some good non-threatening bull crap kind of answer that I personally abhor. I think I told him that I think my purpose in life is to be excellent to others. Thanks Bill & Ted!

To be fair, I do worry about the repercussions of decisions I make. I’m not so self-involved that I think I can go through life stomping on those around me. That said I don’t need a purpose or another job to motivate to get out of bed each day and do my damnedest to enjoy it. I’m quite good at entertaining myself and keeping myself busy. I look forward to every day.

What’s my purpose in this life? Apparently my purpose is to come up with non-insulting answers to asinine questions. Maybe I should consult my spirit chicken.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The better qusetion, of course is..."What is God's purpose for our life?" Love Dad.

4:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like my spirit chicken grilled, with a touch of garlic.


7:36 AM  

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