Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Here we go.

The president released the memos, but not the results. The results are the intelligence. We can’t release real intelligence. However this does mean that the releasing of the memos is really pointless. Without all the data we can’t weigh whether or not the decisions made by the Bush administration were justified or not. We can only claim that we find ourselves “ashamed” the US engages in torture. This is akin to announcing the baseball scores without naming the teams. E.g. 5 to 2; 4 to 7; There’s not enough data, get it? Barak does.

So now Barak can go back on the world stage and say, I apologize for all Americans. Ain’t that grand? When one apologizes it means that one understands that what they did was wrong and that they won’t do it again. I guess Barak doesn’t speak for me and his next apology is clearly not on my behalf. If I capture an enemy combatant and I think the enemy has vital information, I will begin water boarding immediately. I mean without the results, I have no reason to believe it isn’t effective. Right?


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