Monday, July 19, 2004

A quick glance at the headlines

I see where a 47 year old quadriplegic man was beaten to death in a home invasion robbery.   How repulsive, disgusting, low-rent, ridiculous can this kinda of thing get.  The man was in bed, which means that unless someone else picks him up and puts him in his wheelchair, he can't go anywhere!  He represented no threat to these animals.  Yet, he was beaten and smothered to death in his bed. 
This kind of thing really justifies the death penalty.  These cretins can't possibly live within the rules of our society.  They are a cancer that must be cut out in order to let the body(society) live.  These cruel thugs cannot abide by the rules we set forth and apparently have no interest in doing so. 
All that said, I keep hearing the line Danny Devito used in throw momma from the train.  "Meet my momma.  Maybe she's someone you'll want to kill."  I'm not sure what that means, but I am concerned for myself.


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