Friday, February 10, 2006

Cartoonish Violence

"Freedom of Expression is Western Terrorism!" These words were written on a sheet held by a Muslim protester.

Way to go 'religion of peace!' Over a cartoon, published in a Danish newspaper, radical Islam has lost its mind again. They threatened violence. They burned embassies and they are being asked publicly by Hamas (a legitimized terrorist organization) to tone it down. I read that Muslim papers were having a competition to see who can come up with the most offensive anti-western cartoon.

Will they attack our president? How are they going to top American cartoonists? Trudeau draws and empty roman Caesar helmet to represent the president. Political cartoonists routinely draw the president as a monkey. So they can't really insult our political leaders to get a rise out of us.

Maybe they could attack Christianity. That's a western religion! Nope, our own federal government paid an "artist" to put a cross in a glass of urine. What else could the Muslims do? I suppose they could have a cartoon of Jesus humping Mary Magdalene. Too late, Dan Brown already did that. (BTW entertaining read). It's also been (being?) made into a major motion picture.

The only Americans that seem to get upset about name calling are the Scientologists. Maybe the Muslims could draw a picture of Tom Cruise receiving an Oscar. That would be sacrilegious.


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