Tuesday, July 20, 2004

small interesting tidbits

I've decided that actually reading the news stories is overrated.  I'm sticking with headlines only from now on.
From cnn.com: "KFC supplier abused live chickens."  Funniest headline of the day.  Was he hoping to teach the chief of police to read?  I refuse to read the story, I will only be disappointed.
Also from cnn.com, there is a guitar face contest.  I get get into that.  I make great guitar face.
In "real" news, Linda Rondstadt was escorted out of the the casino that she was performing in after praising Michael Moore.  Again,  I disagree with Linda, but man, the casino gave her the bum's rush.  I know that the crowd is not paying for Linda's opinion and that she is unqualified to comment (she's a wealthy entertainer, what does she know again?  How to hit the hi-C?) but it is only her opinion.  Her unqualified opinion.  Don't buy her records, boo her on stage, cost her money in the free market.  The way the news has portrayed the event, it sounds as though storm trooopers came on stage and tossed her out the back door.


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