Tuesday, February 14, 2006

This is ridiculous

I could almost understand the Islamic anger about the cartoons. I don't understand the physical violence or the physical rage, but I do understand being upset. I could understand the gay community being upset about the preponderance of Brokeback Mountain jokes (although from what I read, the community wasn't that upset). But this is ridiculous.

Read this article about a woman being upset about what a television sitcom used as joke fodder.

I didn't even know that being epileptic was a society one could get membership in. It's doesn't seem like it should be. It's a disorder of the nervous system. A doctor told me that the clinical definition of Epilepsy is "one who has seizures." I do not condone laughing at someone having a seizure. In fact, I always call 9-1-1 when I witness a seizure as any seizure can be life threatening. I understand if someone is embarrassed by having a seizure. Although it can't be helped, I wouldn't want a bunch of strangers (or even friends and family) to see me lose complete control of my body. And I would not wish anyone to be a recipient of this disorder.

But now, some theoretically otherwise normal people, are upset because Charlie Sheen's character on a sitcom said that having epilepsy made him "damaged goods". So these people are upset that a fictional being, in a fictional world, thinks that having epilepsy makes you "damaged goods". Is your psyche so fragile that you can't handle a joke?

I have a little advice for you Joy Bardwell of Daytona Beach, Fla. Are you ready? Grow up. Turn off the TV and consider giving your child up for adoption, because I suspect you aren't doing your daughter any good if she is receiving her self-esteem from a CBS sitcom. I would give her to a Monastery or Catholic run orphanage before it is too late. The damage you are doing to her right now is irreparable.

I suppose I should just be happy that people aren't rioting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Munchhausen by proxy" is not present when medical proof is present. Anonymous does not know anything about the person involved anything about the child involved. oranything about the childs medical condition or any medical results or testing. he cant get results of the Medical testing. thought I'd just let you all know. This person follows this lady around the internet, causing trouble for her. He is court ordered to leave her alone. He doesn't. He's the crazy one. Not her. She just wants to be left alone by him. want to talk lunatic?
(and I am not who you think I am) =) have a nice life.

5:15 AM  
Blogger El Sig said...

I'm re-posting the first comment, slightly editted.

Anonymous said...
woot. lets just say "Munchhausen by proxy" on little ###, and that her mother has been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. so who wrote this? ###? ###? ###? ###? ###? ###? ###? ###? ###? ###? ###? ###? ###? ###? ###? I'll give you one guess...there all one in the same.

9:13 AM  

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