Friday, March 18, 2005

Tough Week

Man, this has been one of the worst weeks I have had in a while. As I replay my week of pain, I feel compelled to remind you, I am not making this up.

Monday (The week begins)
I rode my little go to work bus to my typical little go to work stop in downtown Seattle. However, as I walked past the very first half block with 6 blocks to go, some crazy indigent fellow looks at me and starts screaming. He’s yelling things like, “Go to work bitch!” and other vaguely threatening stuff. He was bigger than me and he looked crazy, so I just looked at the top of my shoes and kept walking. Then this vagrant follows me for the next 5 blocks or so, just walking but continuing to yell at me. Passers-by on the street kept looking past me over my shoulder with concerned looks. I did not look back. I finally got to my building, looked back and he was gone.

You’d think this would be enough for one day.

About 5pm that evening, I get on my little go home bus. The problem: it’s broke. The shocks are shot. This bus bounced me like a cat in the dryer for the next 20 miles. My kidneys are still sore today (Friday). I was sure I was going to be pissing blood all week, but fortunately things did not break that badly for me.

Tuesday (It’s gotta get better, right?)
I live in a very residential subdivision. Only residences, no drop-in centers, no commercial real estate of any kind, really. As I leave for work, I notice a car parked in front of my house. A strange car, it’s older, a little beat up. I am annoyed, but I’m always annoyed at 6am. I don’t think about it too much. My wife calls me about an hour later and tells me that there are PEOPLE sleeping in the car. More trouble with the homeless I don’t need. I was going to call Snohomish county’s finest, but the car disappeared before I could call and has not reappeared.

Tuesday night I realize I have nothing to wear to work Wednesday. It’s an emergency trip to dry cleaners for shirts and emergency laundry for me.

Wednesday (The day after)
I’m tired. I stayed up late to watch the season opener of The Shield last night. It’s raining. I decide that riding the bus from the park and ride is a better bet as I don’t want to walk 2 miles in the rain in my newly cleaned clothes. So I also decide I will ride the “free” bus. My new company provides a bus pass. Unfortunately, the busses the pass is good for are not convenient for me. Today is the exception. Truth be told, the ride in is great, a little crowded but not bad. The bad part is that I spent an hour and a half coming home. All in all, a much better day than Monday, a best day of the week candidate!

Thursday (see yesterday’s post)
Major Screw Up.

Friday (today)
So far today is an okay day. I spent the morning chasing a problem in my code, that was resolved when someone else looked over my shoulder and pointed out my typo. I’m not sure but I may be retarded.

I may just quit. C’mon weekend!


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