Monday, May 09, 2005


  • A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization: “I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself” (Frank Maier).

I experienced an epiphany as to why the liberal’s hate George Bush’s proposed solutions to social security.

I do think we need to address the social security issue now. We are already late. All credible the research says that by 2018, we go underwater to spend a reserve of money we don’t have. A shortfall so close in terms of government spending is an immediate crisis. So be it.

There are only 2 ways to address this kind of issue; you’ve got to reduce spending (cut benefits) or increase income (raise taxes). It’s a tough place to be. The only variance I see is in when you take action. In other words, the longer we wait, the more drastic the cuts or the taxes will be. That’s the situation we’re in, I accept that. So be it.

So George Bush has proposed a plan. Actually this is the second plan Bush has proposed. The first plan was deemed unacceptable. So be it.

I don’t like Bush’s latest plan. I think it is pandering once again. On top of that, I do not any idea that basically punishes individuals for success. In this case, if you are smart enough and able to save enough money, social security is not going to help you. So be it.

Here’s the thing, the left still hates this plan. Why? Because it still has a provision for people to ‘opt out’ of traditional social security investment. Why does the left hate this so much? It is optional. There is no compulsion to manage your own money. I think of it as a federal self-directed 401k. And if you really aren’t geared that way, the safe investment (let the fed manage it) is still there. But the left still hates the plan. So be it.

My epiphany was that I finally realized that the reason the left hates this plan is because smarter people will be able to have more money. I do not believe this to be coincidence. It must drive the left crazy to think that someone, because of their god given ability, be able to excel. Liberals need you to be reliant on federal spending. The left does not think that you can be responsible to feed yourself. So be it.


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