Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Space

A couple of weeks ago a very pushy lady came to the door of my home insisting on speaking to me. Because I am socialized (to some extent) I didn’t just slam my door shut in her face. I wish I had. She represented the local homeowner association. She then proceeded to take an hour of my life so she could fill out a form with answers she wanted. I now hate her.

Seriously, I do not think I am obligated socially or otherwise to open my front door. Now if the police come by, I’ll open the door. But from now on, that’s it. I’ve had it. I’m going off the mother loving grid. No more kids selling candy. No boy scouts, no football team raising money. No more. If that pushy old lady shows up, I’m tossing her off my front porch. I don’t know her, I don’t owe her. I’ve had it.

Oh yeah, keep your barking little crap factory off my damn lawn. I have a shot gun and I’m more than happy to shoot ANY animal on my property. They’re your pets, you clean up after them.

Next time up, why I hate those darn geese.