Monday, March 21, 2005


I saw something this weekend that has me absolutely bent, twisted and distorted beyond measure. I was watching the news Saturday night and the story was about a group of folks in Seattle that were meeting to discuss race issues. All white people discussing their guilt for being white. One fellow was quoted as saying that the group helps him to be proud of being white but not arrogant. WHAT!?! How shallow are these losers that somehow derive their personal worth from the color of their skin? I have never felt pride or shame based on the color of my own skin. Neither have I ever thought that the color of anyone else’s skin was some kind of determining factor of their worth as a human.

Feeling proud, arrogant or guilty because of something as esoteric as your skin color is quite simply retarded. You may as well feel pride because of your height or the length of your wiener. You don’t get to control these things. Height can be useful if you want to be a pro athlete, but not if you want to fly fighter jets. But you don’t feel ashamed because you are 5 foot 6 or 6 foot 5? Do you? If so, seek counseling.

If you want to feel better about yourself, join a church. You can volunteer your time at any number of charitable organizations throughout the world. Hell, if you really have a guilt complex, go sign up for the Peace Corps.

What kind of twiddle brained nimrod needs to join a support group because the color of his skin is white (pink really)? You people disgust me.


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