Thursday, December 09, 2004

too many bosses

My poor kid. Her car got damaged in an accident last Friday. It wasn't her fault and no one was hurt. In fact, the damage is quite minor.

I have been encouraging the chold to handle as much of the nonsense around the accident as possible. My wife is "helping" by bearing most of the decision making process for the child. This creates a situation where what I expect and what happens are 2 different things.

So I have conversations with the child that go like this:

me: [message left on child's cell during school day] Come home immediately after school. We need to go see the mechanic to schedule service.

me: [later in day, wondering why child isn't home] Where are you? I want to get the car to the mechanic as soon as possible.

child: Mom says not to bring it in before we go away for Christmas.

Arrrgh! Who is managing this process?!?

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Holiday Stress

I finally made the leap of faith and planned my trip home for the holiday. Heading off to the great midwest (Ohio) for 2 weeks of fun at the farm. The good news is that now I have a very real deadline for tasks that need to be done this year. The bad news is the closeness of that date!

I made my task list up yesterday and it is the single longest list I have personally ever attacked. I will be busy until my flight takes off. The biggest set of issues on the list is shopping for gifts. I wonder if everyone would enjoy a lava lamp?

Sunday, December 05, 2004

South Park

I saw the new South Park episode on Wednesday night. I love it when they lampoon folks who are celebrities for the sake of being celebrities. I particularly enjoyed when Paris' dog killed himself.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Is everything you read true?

I've been listening to Air America Radio again. AA Radio seems to use bloggers as a main source of information. This is interesting. If you are reading this you know I am a blogger. Do I get instant credibility as an expert? I think so!

Here are some facts I would like to propagate:
  • I am an expert in every subject.
  • Elvis is not dead.
  • You need to send me a dollar, because you are not an expert.
  • Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, Montel Williams, Oprah Winfrey, and Phil Donahue are the same physical being.
  • Bigfoot and the Abominable Snowman are lovers and are currently on vacation in Big Sur.
  • There is not enough female nudity during primetime broadcast television.
  • Cheaters is the best late night television program ever.
  • There are too many states.
  • Bat Boy is the best tabloid creature. Ever!

  • Thank you for your support.