Monday, May 31, 2004

baseball kinda day

Red's win. They're in first still. Unbelievable. M's are leading in the 8th inning, 4 outs to go. Go M's.

I should make some comment about Memorial Day, but I just don't have anything witty to say. I did not serve and thus do not feel qualified. So I'll just say, "thanks."

Sunday, May 30, 2004

The day after tomorrow

wow. I spent 2 hours (1:45 to be exact) watching this insulting dreck before we walked out, and I think the makers of this film need to give me back 2 hours of my life. This is time I can never get back. Maybe Dennis Quaid could just cut my lawn 3 times. Or paint my house.

It's not so much the junk science. I sorta like that part. Back to the Future was fun, but the ridiculous anti-conservative messaging is insulting. I suppose Dick Cheney will have to be the villian du jour, but I don't have to like it. I suppose now the looney-tunes liberals will quote this film as science fact, and just like Tony Curtis' Houdini, we will believe the film as opposed to the facts.

I apologize for the "looney-tunes" comment. It's not your fault, they're trying to dupe you. I feel my "christian rage" building again.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

A lazy day

Good day today. Slept late, exercised, avoided stress.

Not looking for much excitment this weekend, just hoping the tornados hold off long enuff for me to get the grass cut.

Don't understand what's going on with my tomato plant (yes, just one) Top leaves are green and waxy, lower leaves are yellowing. Any thoughts? Too much water, too little, issues with the cold, not enuff food?


Friday, May 28, 2004

Friday night

Saw an old buddy for drinks tonite after work. He's out of the technology industry, I think I might be a little jealous.

Gotta get the knowledge I've been gathering on paper. The rub is, I don't know enough to write what needs writing. Kinda a sucky place to be.

Finally getting over the return jet lag. Fish is right, it does seem worse coming home.

Today's state: GREEN

End of a loonnngg week.

Tired today. Not much to report. Saw the Red Legs had dropped 2 in a row. C'mon Reds!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Wednesday morning in Seattle

Yet again.

Should mention dinner on Tuesday night. My hosts decided I needed to get a "Japanese" dinner experience. We went to a nice fish restaurant in Chofu. Of course I was served a fish that they killed just for me. It arrived on my table, head still attached, skeleton filleted, and just about still moving. It's eyes glazing over during our meal. Only slightly disquieting. It was actually done nicely, but a little more brutal than I am used to. At least the fish was not moving when it was presented. Overall dinner was good. Food was actually excellent (I ate WAY too much), company was good. Thank you hosts!

Dog tired today. I am trying to figger out many hours I have been up at this point, it's really not clear to me.

Tomorrow should start a pretty hard crush of work. Deadlines approach and work quality needs to be high.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Wednesday morning in Tokyo

Didn't really sleep any better Tuesday night, even with staying up late on Monday.

Tuesday was good. Had afternoon meetings with partners, spent morning exploring electronics stores.

Have early meeting with another partner today, then fly home at 2pm and land at 8am. Kinda like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. I just keep living the same day over. One complaint though, why does it have to be mid-week Wednesday? Why can't I get Saturday at the beech to live over and over? So it goes...

Monday, May 24, 2004

Monday in Tokyo

Learning 1st Japanese phrases. Thinking that it might be better just to be thought ignorant gaigin.

Nice hotel room, phone in the bathroom. That’s how you can tell.

Still trying to adjust to time. Woke up every hour on the hour last night. Still up at 11:30pm local time, went out tonite without chaperones. Discovered neon district. Good food. Many beers. Interesting folks...

State: GREEN

the day after

In the interest of something every day... I loat Saturday night, I'll see if I can't get 2 posts on Wednesday.

Long travel day, but finally in Tokyo. So far so good. Mostly I'm just tired right now. Gonna hold on until 9pm, then crash hard

Shinjuku train station is huge.

Business class travel to Japan on Northwest is NICE. Good food, lot's of it. Good service. Lots of room. Should be able to sleep pretty well on the way home.

Excited about tomorrow. I get to meet the asian partner.

State: GREEN

Friday, May 21, 2004

The Night Before

Ready to go to Japan tomorrow. My first time going east. Hello rising sun!

Helped my neighbor (the one who 'enhanced' my profile photo) get his new furniture moved into his house tonite. He gots new furniture, new carpeting, new paint, new roof, yada yada yada. Was his house really a wreck before? Or did he simply fall ass-backwards into a pile of cash. Inquiring minds want to know.

Fell off the wagon today. Didn't run and ate pizza for dinner. Bad Larry. Bad Larry. Tomorrow is another day. I'll do better.

Today's state: GREEN

Creative license

Got a call from my dad. He was most concerned with my blog name of El Sig. He claims he invented it. He wasn't worried about my photo, he was only marginally worried about my Wheel of Relationship. But El Sig is his, darn it! So be it. We 'll give the dadster credit for elsig. Everytime you use it, send my dad a nickel. Also, I like to claim credit for "darn it!" Send me a nickel when you use it. :)

Saw "Shrek 2" last night. Really liked it. Dreamworks does some amazing things with animation. And no, I have not yet seen "Toy Story".

Today's state: GREEN

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Government Issued ID's

Write something everyday. Everyday.

Trying to run everyday this week. So far so good. While hope is not a strategy, I'm hoping to continue my reduced carb lifestyle below the 200# mark by my birfday. I gotta get a new drivers license and I don't think I can bring myself to say "five-ten, two hundred some odd pounds." The pressure is building.

Quick trivia: What's the difference between a person and a place?

Speaking of which, did you know they don't ask your weight on your passport? I just renewed mine. I was unprepared for my foto, I usually like to be hung over for the picture, but I still managed to look like a double-naught spy. I make myself so proud.

Does anyone actually read this trite crap?

Today's state: GREEN

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Listening to Air America Radio

As you undoubtedly know, the only place to hear this radio 'network' is to listen on-line. There is like 1 radio station broadcasting the liberal network. I have been able to listen to Randi Rhodes and The Majority Report (Janeane Garofalo).

I have not yet had a chance to hear the flagship show (The O'Franken Factor). I've heard maybe 30 minutes of Al. So I can't really review Al for you. Sorry.

Randi's show is actually good. She has a great radio voice, good bumper music, good show structure (move along at right pace for talk radio). As a host Randi is also good. She listens, lets the callers make her look smart (she actually does seem smart), and just seems like a real radio personality.

The Majority Report is a tradegy. This program seems to want to parody what they 'heard' the Rush Limbaugh show is like. Jeneane who used to be funny, makes wild accusations, espouses made up view points and seems in general to just want to state her position on issues without any kind of logic or reasoning.

That's actually the biggest problem I see with the whole network so far. They don't even entertain different viewpoints. The callers seem highly screened (I have yet to hear a caller disagree), there's a lot of back-slapping and general "look how smart we are" type of commentary. Majority Report is more painful because there appears to be no one who knows how to make a radio show listenable. Again Randi is good.

One real question though, why is Randi so confused in her political affiliation? She states the facts, sees the truth and then after assembling her data, chooses a bizarre conclusion.

One last observation, I am a radical conservative (I'm just to the right of Attilla the Hun). Yet I listen and expose myself to the liberal inputs to hear their arguments. Then, I hear Garofalo say, "I can't watch Fox news". WTF, over. Garofalo, this is how you got confused, you only hear the liberal side of the story. And this type of behavior seems endemic to the liberal side of the house. They don't even listen to the other side. They don't want discourse, they want you to do what they tell you is best for you.

Overall, this network will probably fail. Not because of ideology, but because in general it's bad radio. I have a family to tell me how great I am.

Please note I intentionally did not include any (well, 1 quote) concrete examples, I'm following suit to give the reader the experience of hearing the programming, in case they fold before you can hear it.

Today's State: GREEN

Monday, May 17, 2004

My new look!

I rock! This is my 'night of the living Larry' look. Form a line ladies. There's plenty of Larry to go around.

as if ANY females read THIS blog. :):):)

Monday night blues

Got a new photo for my bio tonite, hopefully I'll get it posted by tomorrow.

Watched one of my favorite movies tonite, Miller's Crossing. Don't know why I like it so much. Maybe its just G-thang.

Sharing documents across 2 very distant continents today. Oddly disquieting. I believe I have acheived "blind man in a dark room" status.

Today's state: GREEN.

Soprano's winding down

Soprano's was bizarre last night. Another Tony dream episode. I suppose he is deciding to kill Tony B. or Johnny Sac. I suspect that Little Carmine is gonna have to whack out Tony S.

Got sick late Saturday night (sinus nonsense), so no drinking on Sunday.

Finally saw Big Fish. I liked it. There's 3 Burton Flick's I really like, Batman, Nightmare, Beetlegeuse. This was along the lines of Edward Scissorhands, good, not great.

Today's state: GREEN

Saturday, May 15, 2004

holy cow!

Roy Jones Jr got cold-cocked by Antonio Tarver in the 2nd round tonight. Unbelievable. Roy went down on 1 punch. He was out. The ref counted 10 before Roy could stand, he almost fell out of the ring.
Looks like this could be it for Roy in the 170 pound class. Roy says he can't be expected to 'get up' for anything other than a heavyweight bout. Buh-bye Roy.

Gonna go save a table at the brewery for my friends riding in the red-hook bike ride tomorrow. Need to not get too drunk tomorrow. I hate getting drunk on Sunday.

Today's state: YELLOW.

Friday, May 14, 2004

the wheel of relationship

My wife, oh jeez. I think I will implement the wheel of relationship for you all. The wheel is simple, color coded, circular. It goes from PINK (relationship excellent, regular sex, happy words for each other) to GREEN (good relationship, doing stuff together) to YELLOW (trouble on the horizon, tension, no open fighting) to RED (hostility, sleeping on couch, separation of meals and activities) to BLACK (throwing of objects, talk of divorce) back to PINK. On any given day the wheel will spin randomly into one of these states. There is no rhyme or reason for it. Just the randomness of our relationship.

I will update the state of the wheel everyday on this blog, so all can track my progress. I hope this helps someone.

Today's state: YELLOW

Thursday, May 13, 2004

End of day 1

Well, can't seem to post my face for free, won't spend money.

Spent today doing really boring stuff. Writing (copying really) is boring. No new stuff to say, yet.

Wife driving me nuts.

1st Post

Here we go. I will try to write something everyday. I do not believe anyone will read this or even give a damn. I know my wife won't.